Andrew & Belinda Ng
Missions Personnel Code: "BNG"
Andrew is one of the founding members of Bartley Christian Church. He first heard and responded to the missionary call at the age of 11. The Lord called Belinda by confronting her with the question of willingness to go to Africa. Only after she said ‘yes’ to the Lord, did the Lord bring them together on a wonderful pilgrimage in mission first to Niger, which continues to this day, though in different roles as part of the SIM International team.
They applied to join SIM in 1975, after Andrew completed his Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FRCSE) and were accepted in November 1976. (SIM was known then as Sudan Interior Mission, but it now stands for ‘Serving in Mission’). Because the Ngs were the first overseas missionary couple from a small home church of less than a 100 members, SIM Australia brought them in mid-1977 to Sydney for some deputation ministries and for the SIM candidate orientation. It was in that year that they came in contact with the Chinese Presbyterian Church which resulted in a continuing relationship ever since. They were also the first missionaries from Asia to join SIM.
So, in August 1977, Andrew and Belinda, together with their one-and-a-half year old son, Nathaniel set off to Galmi, Niger. Enroute to the field, they did 9 months of French language studies. Then, soon after arrival in Niger, they did a few months of Hausa language learning, while working at Galmi Hospital. They served the Lord for 12 years in Niger where Joel was born.
At Galmi, Andrew served as a surgeon and Belinda was involved with women and children and other support ministries. The medical ministry is integrated with the Gospel outreach to 3 unreached groups of Muslim people – the Hausa, the semi-nomadic Tamajeq and the nomadic Fulani who are contacted through the hospital. After their first term, Andrew was also appointed the medical director for SIM’s medical ministries in the French-speaking countries of Niger, Benin and Burkina Faso.
Then from 1990 to 2005, because the national service requirements & educational needs of their sons, as well as the mission’s growing work in the region, they were reassigned to the East Asia Division of SIM, with its office based in Singapore. This marks a new phase of ministry for them, working with 10 countries in East Asia to mobilize churches in mission and to raise up more workers for cross-cultural missions. Andrew became East Asia Director, while Belinda served primarily as Personnel Director, as well as in the Media Coordinator.
In 2006, Andrew was elected to be the SIM Deputy International Director, Asia Pacific for a term of 5 years. In this role he oversees the fields from Pakistan in the west to Mongolia, China in the east as well as takes care of the SIM sending offices, New Zealand, Australia and East Asia. He stepped down from the International Leadership Team in September 2011, with Andrew now spearheading SIM New Initiatives in Missions in Asia. Both of them will continue in their missionary service. Belinda serves in the SIM International Personnel Service Team as Member Care & MK Education Consultant (Asia).
In January 2019, Dr Andrew Ng was promoted to Glory.
Belinda continues to serve full time with SIM as a mentor and trainer, equipping and supporting SIM East Asia personnel serving all over the world.